This ingenious hot tub is a completely energy-independent gadget that requires no plugging in. Firewood is placed in a spiral on the side that naturally circulates and heats the water in the tub.
In terms of its design it is a bit of a tough sell at first, looking like a giant orange cooking pot or coffee mug with a strange spiral growing out of its side. Still, it is built thick and is made to be self-contained structurally and in terms of its power source and scores well on both of those essential counts. It takes a beating without spoiling its bathing capabilities.
Despite its bulk and size, the Dutch Tub weighs about as much as a thin adult – 150ish pounds – and can thus be easily carried by two people. It is extremely easy to clean as it is comprised almost entirely of smooth corner-free surfaces. The heat can even be turned down by spiraling up the burning fire so it has less contact with the heating coils.
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